We don't lead an exciting life...

but I thought it would be fun to give a glimpse into our simple life.

And believe me, it's NOT like Paris Hilton's simple life.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Oooh! A nice weather weekend for a change!

So, I hear it's going to be a pretty weekend! How will you spend your weekend?

Tonight, I have to decorate a cake for a baby shower.

Then tomorrow, we're going to Tim's parents' house. Tim's Dad just had cataract surgery on Tuesday and he's supposed to be taking it easy. So we're going to see if they need us to run any errands for them. There's also a bluegrass singing at a church not far from their house. Pa Cain mentioned going to that, so we may go there.

Oh, and I'm going to drop off a blouse to a friend. (It's too small for me and it needs a good home.)

Sunday we'll go to church. We'll also have fellowship after church on Sunday evening. It's going to be a potluck. Wonder what I should make.

Tim will probably say lasanga. Or shepherd's pie. Or stroganoff.

Hmmm.... wonder what I should make?


  1. I'm going bridal gown shopping, and maybe mother of the bride shopping and if I'm not broke....... yarn shopping!

    If I pay to ship you up here, you want to make a wedding cake next February???

  2. It's been cold down here in FL too! Supposed to be up in the 70's next week! Can't wait!

  3. Oooh, a wedding cake in February! We'll have to talk about that Kim!
